Fear: a conceptual framework / Uli Linke and Danielle Taana Smith -- pt. 1: Culture of fear. The new war against terror / Noam Chomsky -- Engineering ruins and affect / Joseph Masco -- Terrorism and the politics of fear / David L. Altheide -- Welcome to the desert of the real! / Slavoi Žižek -- pt. 2: States of terror. Human rights and complex emergencies / Lucia Ann McSpadden and John R. MacArthur -- Speechless emissaries / Liisa H. Malkki -- Trauma and vulnerability during war / Doug Henry -- The violence of humanitarianism / Miriam Ticktin -- pt. 3: Zones of violence. Gender, terrorism, and war / Susan J. Brison -- The continuum of violence / Cynthia Cockburn -- Child soldiers: growing up in a guerrilla camp / Julia Dickson-Gómez -- Girls behind the (front) lines / Carolyn Nordstrom -- On the run: narrative of an asylum seeker / Solrun Williksen -- pt. 4: Intimacies of suffering. War and sexual violence / Elisabeth Jean Wood -- Militarizing women's lives: when soldiers rape / Cynthia Enloe -- The political economy of violence: women during armed conflict in Uganda / Meredeth Turshen -- On the torture of others / Susan Sontag -- pt. 5: Normalizing terror. Cultural appropriations of suffering / Arthur Kleinman and Joan Kleinman -- The biopolitics of disposability / Henry A. Giroux -- Empire of camps / Nicholas Mirzoeff.
In Cultures of Fear, a truly world-class line up of scholars explore the formation and normalisation of fear in the context of war and terrorism."Freedom from fear" is a universal right and fundamental for human well-being.
Cultures of fear.
Academic Library
Terrorism-- Social aspects.
War and society.
War on Terrorism, 2001-2009-- Psychological aspects.