Binging and purging to stay alive -- There goes Alice down the hole -- Living with diabulimia -- Surrounded by people but completely alone -- Running away but going nowhere -- A love of athletics -- Recovery or what passes for normal -- High-functioning superwoman -- The hardest part is wanting to recover -- Diagnostic labels and sexual abuse -- College plus eating disorder equals-- -- Not good enough -- An addictive personaity, food and alcohol -- Confession to my roommate, a day in my life -- Becoming bankrupt and losing everything I had -- I want to be like you -- Sex, lies and hedonism -- The lesbian bulimic mafia -- Diets don't work, bulimia does.
The book looks at people who are living with the disorder, shedding new light on the day-to-day struggle of coping with bulimia. It challenges the stereotypical image of the bulimic teenage girl, revealing that it affects a far wider range of people, and dispelling the myth that bingeing involves only food and purging involves only vomiting.