Digital Compositing; Digital Images; Compositing; Compositing CGI; Bluescreen Compositing; Pulling a Key; Rotoscoping; Image Blending; Animation; The Art of Compositing; Scene Salvage; Color Science; Working with Video; Working with Film; The Future.
Visual effects today : Digital compositing with CGI ; Compositing programs -- Digital images : Structure of digital images ; Attributes of digital images ; Image file formats ; Dots per inch -- Compositing CGI : The CGI composite ; Multipass compositing ; Depth compositing ; Multiplane compositing ; Sims ; Particle systems ; Working with premultiplied CGI -- Bluescreen compositing : The bluescreen composite ; About keyers ; Helping the keyer ; Compositing outside the keyer ; Shooting bluescreens (and greenscreens) -- Creating masks : Key, matte, alpha, and mask ; Creating a luma-key ; Creating a chroma-key ; Creating a mask -- Rotoscoping : About rotoscoping ; Splines ; Articulated rotos ; Interpolation ; Keyframes ; Motion blur ; Semi-transparency -- Image blending : The mix operation ; The multiply operation ; The screen operation ; The maximum operation ; The minimum operation ; The add operation ; The subtract operation ; No-change summary table ; Adobe Photoshop blending modes ; Speed changes -- Animation : Transforms and pixels ; Filters ; Pivot points ; Transformation order ; Keyframe animation ; Motion blur ; Motion tracking ; Stabilizing a shot ; Match move ; The wonder of warps ; The magic of morphs -- The art of compositing : Color correcting ; Matching layer attributes ; Sweetening the composite ; A checklist -- Scene salvage : Dust busting ; Wire removal ; Rig removal ; Hair removal ; Scratch removal ; Light leaks ; Deflicker -- Working with video : SCTV (Standard definition television) ; HDTV (High definition television) ; Title safe -- Working with film : Capture vs. display formats ; Academy and full aperture ; Projection formats ; Cinemascope ; VistaVision ; 3-Perf film ; 70mm film ; Super 16 film ; Fitting film into video ; Digitizing film ; Log film data ; Recording film ; The digital intermediate process.
Put the essential concepts and techniques of digital compositing to work for you without the need of a single mathematical equation. Compositing Visual Effects is lavishly illustrated with hundreds of film shots, figures, illustrations and diagrams to help the visual reader gain a valuable vocabulary and understanding of the full range of visual effects, in which digital compositing plays a key role. Beginning with an inspirational tour of the scope and magnitude of digital compositing you get a solid overview of the kinds of digital effects routinely executed today. See how CGI (Computer Generated Image) is composited with live action, how set extensions are done, and what a match-move shot is. Following that, you learn each of the key applications of digital compositing, which include bluescreen compositing, bullet time shots, motion tracking, and rotoscoping, and you get a primer on digital images, key concepts, and terms used in the compositing process. The subsequent chapters dig down into each of the major digital compositing applications, introducing the fundamental concepts and processes behind them. This includes the many ways to composite CGI, bluescreen compositing, animation, creating masks, working with digital keyers, and many more; but most importantly, the art of digital compositing-making your shots look not just photorealistic, but cool. Learn what is easy and hard, possible and impossible, and what to expect when working on a job that entails digital compositing. There are tips on when not to use the new low-end DV video cameras and tips for the client, such as guidelines on how to shoot a quality bluescreen or greenscreen to get the best results at compositing time. All the while, special attention is paid to defining new terminology and telling a clear story from the ground up, with the only requirement being that you have read the previous chapters. * An accessible introduction to a complex subject for novice compositors * Full color presentation illustrating the art and techniques of the practice * An experienced book author of 20 years compositing experience; with 60 feature film credits including Vanilla Sky, X-Men 2, Swept Away, and Solaris.