CHAPTER V Memorials to Four Colleagues who were Great Scientists and CitizensAFTERWORD:What Are Nuclear Weapons For?
This volume includes a representative selection of Sidney Drell's recent writings and speeches (circa 1993 to the present) on public policy issues with substantial scientific components. Most of the writings deal with national security, nuclear weapons, and arms control and reflect the author?s personal involvement in such issues dating back to 1960. Fifteen years after the demise of the Soviet Union, the gravest danger presented by nuclear weapons is the spread of advanced technology that may result in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Of most concern would be their acquisition by hostile.
Nuclear weapons, scientists, and the post-Cold War challenge.
Nuclear arms control.
Nuclear disarmament.
Nuclear nonproliferation.
Nuclear terrorism.
Nuclear weapons.
World politics-- 1989-
Nuclear arms control.
Nuclear disarmament.
Nuclear nonproliferation.
Nuclear terrorism.
Nuclear weapons.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- International Relations-- Arms Control.