Special delivery : the multilateral politics of extraordinary rendition / Maria Koblanck -- Miscarriages of justice and exceptional procedures in the "war against terrorism" / Emmanuel-Pierre Guittet -- Risk-focused security policies and human rights : the impossible symbiosis / Anastassia Tsoukala -- The North Atlantic field of aviation security / Mark B. Salter -- Tracing terrorists : the European Union-Canada Agreement on Passenger Name Record (PNR) matters / Peter Hobbing -- The global governance of data privacy regulation : European leadership and the ratcheting up of Canadian rules / Abraham Newman -- Made in the USA? The impact of transatlantic networks on the European Union's data protection regime / Patryk Pawlak -- Norms and expertise in the global fight against transnational organized crime and terrorism / Amandine Scherrer -- The accountability gap : human rights and EU external cooperation on criminal justice, counter-terrorism, and the rule of law / Susie Alegre -- The role of NGOs in the access to public information : extraordinary renditions and the absence of transparency / Márton Sulyok and András L. Pap -- Replacing and displacing the law : the Europeanization of judicial power / Antoine Mégie -- Transjudicial conversations about security and human rights / Audrey Macklin -- A coordinated judicial response to counter-terrorism? Counter-examples / Rayner Thwaites -- The other transatlantic : policies, practices, fields / Mark B. Salter and Can E. Mutlu.
Europäische Union.
Human rights-- International cooperation.
National security.
Security, International.
Terrorism-- Prevention-- International cooperation.
Diplomatic relations.
Förenta staterna-- relationer-- Kanada.
Human rights-- International cooperation.
Internationale Kooperation
Internationale Kooperation.
Internationaler Terrorismus.
National security.
Security, International.
Terrorism-- Prevention-- International cooperation.
Terrorismbekämpning-- internationellt samarbete.
Canada, Foreign relations, European Union countries.
European Union countries, Foreign relations, Canada.
United States, Foreign relations, European Union countries.