A multiplicity of intelligences / Howard Gardner -- Neural circuitry underlying language / Michael Petrides and Deepak N. Pandya -- Structural and functional neuroimaging in neuropsychology : a concise overview / Jubin Abutalebi [and others] -- Information-processing models of aphasia : updating the diagram makers / Kenneth M. Heilman -- The impact of right-hemisphere lesions on language abilities : theoretic and clinical perspectives / Yves Joanette [and others] -- Acquired dyslexia and dysgraphia / Ria De Bleser and Claudio Luzzatti -- Developmental dyslexia : from neuropsychology to genetics, and back again / Albert M. Galaburda, Joseph LoTurco and Glenn D. Rosen -- Aphasia recovery : neural mechanisms / Stefano F. Cappa and Jubin Abutalebi -- Aphasia rehabilitation / Anna Basso -- The forelimb apraxias / Kenneth M. Heilman, Leslie J. Gonzalez Rothi and Brenda Hanna-Pladdy -- Should we make aphasic patients sing? / Sylvie Hèbert, Isabelle Peretz and Amèlie Racette -- The neuropsychology of calculation and number processing / Xavier Seron -- Perceptual categorization : language and thought / Jules Davidoff.
Visual agnosia / H. Branch Coslett -- Auditory agnosia / Marie Di Pietro, Marina Laganaro and Armin Schnider -- Somaesthetic recognition disorders / Gabriella Bottini and Martina Gandola -- Subcortical neglect / Giuseppe Vallar -- Neuropsychology of attention / Michael I. Posner -- Measuring human cognition online by electrophysiological methods : the case of selective attention / Anna Christina Nobre and Laetitia Silvert -- The frontal lobe : executive, emotional, and neurological functions / Paul J. Eslinger -- Memory : structure, function, and dysfunction / Oliver Piguet and Suzanne Corkin -- Effects of aging and dementia on memory / Gianfranco Dalla Barba, François Boller and Dorothée Rieu -- Semantic dementia : the story so far / Jonathan Knibb and John R. Hodges -- Frontal lobe dysfunction across diagnostic dementia categories / Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Peter Mariën and Peter P. De Deyn.
'Neuropsychological Research' is a review that provides a meticulous overview of what has been achieved in the field of cognitive neuropsychology from its early beginnings in the 1960s and 1970s to the present day.