Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Reporter cells: - Yeast Based Sensors by Mifumi Shimomura-Shimizu and Isao Karube - Mammalian Cell-Based Sensor Systems by Pratik Banerjee, Briana Franz, and Arun K. Bhunia - Fluorescent and Bioluminescent Cell-Based Sensors: Strategies for Their Preservation by Amol Date, Patrizia Pasini, and Sylvia Daunert - Electrochemical Cell-Based Sensors by Eliora Z. Ron and Judith Rishpon - Microbial Cell Arrays by Tal Elad, Jin Hyung Lee, Man Bock Gu, and Shimshon Belkin Devices: - Surface Functionalization for Protein and Cell Patterning by Pascal Colpo, Ana Ruiz, Laura Ceriotti, and Fran?ʹois Rossi - Fiber-Optic Based Cell Sensors by Evgeni Eltzov and Robert S. Marks - Electronic Interfacing with Living Cells by James T. Fleming - On-Chip Detection of Cellular Activity by R. Almog, R. Daniel, S. Vernick, A. Ron, H. Ben-Yoav, and Y. Shacham-Diamand.