Are you confused? You're not alone! -- The Pill is a drug -- The never-ending pregnancy -- Recognising side-effects -- Feeling depressed? -- Low libido; is that how it works? -- Mood swings, weight gain, brittle bones and migraines -- Dying not to get pregnant -- On the Pill and pregnant: when the Pill fails -- Off the Pill but where's the baby? When the Pill affects fertility -- Malnutrition: a side-effect for everyone -- Are periods really bad for you? -- What about your teenage daughter? -- Taking the Pill for skin and period problems -- Are you thinking about coming off the PIll? -- If not the Pill, then what? -- What are natural contraception methods? -- How to find the best contraception for you -- Making the most of success rates -- What's the point of a cycle? -- How to get connected -- Your very own feedback loop -- Tapping your intuition -- Discovering natural calm -- Getting high ... naturally -- Period power and how to get more of it -- The natural way to menstrual wellbeing -- What you can do for your period and skin problems -- How your cycle is connected to your relationship -- The slow route to a great relationship -- Negotiating contraception -- Epilogue: contraception for great sex.
Explores the physical and psychological repercussions of taking the pill - from side effects, like weight gain and depression to cancer, to effective alternative methods of contraception. Australian authors.