Includes bibliographical references (pages 146-154) and index.
"Written for higher education academics, staff developers, policymakers and leaders, this book aims to tackle a subject that is at the heart of higher education today: the nature of a good university. It is invariably assumed that one such university is managerially effective in terms of its economic efficiency, and is judged in terms of entrepreneurialism, self-promotion and competitive innovation. It proposes that there is a marked lack of intellectual leadership at senior management level within institutions and that academic workers must assume responsibility for the moral purposefulness of their institutions." "This book is unique in that it treats the ethical aspects of the various activities that comprise academic practice: teaching, research, scholarship and collegial relations as a whole. The Virtuous University is not a retreat into the old values of an elitist ivory tower, rather it is a rejection of the current deeply stratified university system that prematurely selects students for differentiated institutional streams. This book will be an essential purchase for anyone in higher education today who is looking to define their moral bases of academic practice."--BOOK JACKET.