Common sense adoptive parenting -- Debunking common myths about adopted children and adoptive parents -- Problematic adoption advice -- How adoptive parenting is like/unlike biological parenting -- Common parenting mistakes and how to avoid them -- What bonding and attachment mean to you and your child -- Raising your infant and young child -- The school-age child : ages 5-12 -- The adolescent -- Sibling considerations -- Explaining adoption to your child and to other children too -- Talking with others about adoption -- How and when to talk about adoption -- Coping with medical problems and disabilities -- Children adopted in transracial and international adoptions -- If your child has emotional problems.
An estimated 2 million parents are now raising adopted children in the U.S. Just like other parents, they have to face the terrible twos and difficult adolescent issues. But unlike other parents, they face other issues unique to adoptive parenting. General parenting books give short shrift to adoption issues, even though advice that is fine for well-attached children is often not appropriate for adopted children. And the few books available on adoptive parenting are amazingly negative or take stances that only certain kinds of adoption can work. Parenting Your Adopted Child encourages parents to think beyond the destructive myths and "what people say" to provide their adopted child with a loving, supportive home and to tailor their parenting approach to their child's unique needs. It answers such questions as: How and when do I explain adoption to my child? What do I say when the child's friends ask questions? If my child has a problem, how can I tell if it's related to adoption or not? How do I help my child deal with people who see adoption as second best or as a negative? How do I deal with family members who don't include my child? Dr.
Parenting your adopted child.
Adoption-- United States.
Parenting-- United States.
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS-- Parenting-- Child Rearing.