Introduction: The education of an executive coach -- Accelerate your individual results -- Enhance personal effectiveness : "I could do so much more for this company." -- Utilize priority management : "And exactly when am I going to have time to do that?" -- Avoid disastrous communication : "You said what to whom?" -- Provide leadership : "My boss tells me I'm a mood-ring leader." -- Kick start creativity : "People don't pay me to sit around and think." -- Accelerate your staff's results -- Identify reasons for lack of unity : "You call that a team?" -- Strengthen teamwork : "We just sit wherever we want." -- Embrace collaboration : "What do you mean it's not enough to be right?" -- Expedite execution : "We could get more done if we had more time." -- Manage change : "When are all these changes going to stop?" -- Accelerate your organization's results -- Establish your leadership council : "How do I get my leadership council to, you know, lead?" -- Acknowledge the mistakes of strategic planning : "Are we doing enough?" -- Gain strategic focus : "Let's just pick one thing and do it really well." -- Use talent management : "Where do we find the right people?" -- Increase innovation : "We've got to find ways to grow the business now." -- Accelerate your impact on consumers -- Study business research : "Our customers just didn't do what they were supposed to do." -- Deliver convenience : "You can do what with your iPod?" -- Operate in the creativity age : "You haven't lived until you've been googled." -- Clarify consumer demands : "I want it now at a lower price with better service." -- Build the brand : "Will this be good for our brand?"
20 practical lessons to boost business momentum
Twenty practical lessons to boost business momentum