Readers theatre in the classroom and library. Getting started with readers theatre ; Performing readers theatre for an audience -- Fairy tales. Beauty and the beast ; The elves and the shoemaker ; Hansel and Gretel ; Jack and the beanstalk ; The princess and the pea ; Rapunzel ; Rumpelstiltskin ; Snow White and the seven dwarfs ; The little red hen ; The gingerbread man ; Goldilocks and the three bears ; Chicken Little ; Little Red Riding Hood ; The three little pigs ; The ugly duckling ; The three billy goats gruff ; Sleeping Beauty ; Cinderella -- Fairy tales (with a touch of humor). Beauty and this incredibly ugly guy ; Coughy : the dwarf Snow White never told you about ; Don't kiss Sleeping Beauty, she's got really bad breath ; Goldilocks and the three hamsters ; Little Red Riding Hood punches the wolf character right in the kisser ; The gingerbread boy gets baked at 350° for 15-20 minutes.