Overview of multiple sclerosis / Mary L. Hennessey and Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr -- Factors associated with employment status / Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr. and Mary L. Hennessey -- Vocational assessment strategies / Richard T. Roessler -- Employment and career development interventions / Steven W. Nissen, Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr., and Mary L. Hennessey -- Employment and the Americans with Disabilities Act / Mary L. Hennessey and Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr -- Federal laws concerning continuation of benefits, health insurance portability, and family and medical leave / Kimberly Calder -- Social security disability benefits / Steven W. Nissen, Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr., and Mary L. Hennessey -- An employment perspective from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society / Steven W. Nissen -- Policy, programming, and research recommendations to improve the employment prospects of people with multiple sclerosis / Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr.
Employment Issues and Multiple Sclerosis, 2nd Edition is a must read for any person with MS that has a question regarding employment and disability. Chapters cover everything from vocational rehabilitation to job placement, and the laws covering employment.
Employment issues and multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis-- Patients-- Employment-- United States.
Disabled Persons-- legislation & jurisprudence.
Employment-- legislation & jurisprudence.
Multiple Sclerosis.
Rehabilitation, Vocational.
HEALTH & FITNESS-- Diseases-- Alzheimer's & Dementia.