The limits of American literary ideology in Pound and Emerson /
Cary Wolfe.
New York :
Cambridge University Press,
ix, 290 pages ;
24 cm.
Cambridge studies in American literature and culture ;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 229-281) and index.
1. A Politics of Difference. Emerson, Pound, and the Jameses. "Robert Frost (Two Reviews)" In Defense of "Whim" -- 2. Critiques of Capitalist (Literary) Production. Death by Reproduction: Pound's Critique of the Literary Market. Imagism -- 3. Economies of Individualism. "Living Property": Emerson, Entrepreneurs, and the Jacksonian "Mob" "The Truth Is the Individual": Pound, Entrepreneurs, and the Limits of "Experience" "A Pact" -- 4. "Gynocracy" and "Red Blood": Pound and the Politics of Feminization. "Portrait d'une Femme" Borrowed Ladies and Broken Mirrors: "Near Perigord" Inventor or Conservator? Pound's Essentialism. The Self That One Is Not: Pound and the Gender System -- 5. Visionary Capital: Contradictions of Pound's Lyric ideal. From the Color, the Sign: The Poetics of Authority. The Politics of Patronage -- 6. Ideologies of the Organic. Nature and Value in Pound's Economics. One Way: The Seven Lakes Canto and Others. Visions of China, Versions of Populism.
Ideology and Incoherence in The Pisan Cantos -- 7. Signs That Bind: Ideology and Form in Pound's Poetics. Didacticism and the Logic of the Ideogram. The Cantos and the Politics of Genre.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo,1803-1882-- Political and social views.
Pound, Ezra,1885-1972-- Political and social views.