Cover; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Abbreviations; List of Contributors; Acknowledgements; Preface; 1 Introduction; 2 Binary Logit and Multinomial Logit Models; 3 Nested Logit Model; 4 Structured Extensions of MNL and NL Discrete Choice Models; 5 Network GEV Models; Chapter 6Mixed Logit; 7 MNL, NL, and OGEV Models of Itinerary Choice; 8 Conclusions and Directions for Future Research; References; Index; Author Index.
In recent years, airline practitioners and academics have started to explore new ways to model airline passenger demand using discrete choice methods. This book provides an introduction to discrete choice models and uses extensive examples to illustrate how these models have been used in the airline industry. These examples span network planning, revenue management, and pricing applications. Numerous examples of fundamental logit modeling concepts are covered in the text, including probability calculations, value of time calculations, elasticity calculations, nested and non-nested likelihood r.