Front Matter -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- Executive Summary -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Public Awareness Today -- 3 The National Academy of Engineering Survey of Public Awareness of Engineering Outreach Programs -- 4 Recommendations -- APPENDIX A Engineering Enrollments -- APPENDIX B Sample Mission Statements -- APPENDIX C Selected Outreach Programs -- APPENDIX D Committee on Public Awareness of Engineering -- APPENDIX E Engineering Communications, Education, and Outreach Questionnaire
The public has little awareness or appreciation of engineering as the source of technology. The engineering community spends mightily to try to improve public awareness, but an NAE-commissioned survey of activities intended to raise public awareness found little coordination among them and few measures of success. This report provides the results of this survey, explains why it was needed, and recommends how the engineering community can work successfully to communicate the importance of engineering to society.