Introduction / Christopher Grau -- Blue ruins: love and memory in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind / C.D.C. Reeve -- Miserably ever after: forgetting, repeating and affirming love in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind / Troy Jollimore -- Bad memories, good decisions, and the three Joels / Valerie Tiberius -- Memory, desire, and value in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind / Julia Driver -- Michel Gondry and the phenomenology of visual perception / Stephen L. White -- Trying to remember Clementine / George Toles.
This book addresses the philosophical aspects of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Beginning with a helpful introduction that places each essay in context, specially commissioned chapters examine the topics of philosophical issues surrounding love, friendship, affirmation and repetition; the role of memory (and the emotions) in personal identity and decision-making; the morality of imagination and ethical importance of memory; philosophical questions about self-knowledge and knowing the minds of others; the aesthetics of the film considered in relation to Gondry's other works and issues in the philosophy of perception. Includes a foreword by Michel Gondry.
Gondry, Michel (1963- ...)., Ternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
Gondry, Michel.
Kaufman, Charlie,(1958- ... ;-- Critique et interprétation.
Kaufman, Charlie,1958-
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (Motion picture)
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (US, Michel Gondry, 2004)
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (Motion picture)
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (Motion picture)