Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Abbreviations; Contents; Table of Cases; Table of Statutes; 1 Legal Capacity to Marry and Formalities; 2 Nullity Void and Voidable Marriages; 3 Divorce 1; 4 Divorce 2 Judicial Separation; 5 Occupation Orders Under FLA 1996 Part IV; 6 Non-Molestation Orders Under FLA 1996, Part IV; 7 Financial Provision on Breakdown of Marriage; 8 Property Adjustment Orders, Consent Orders, and Guidelines Under s 25 MCA 1973; 9 The Child Support Act 1991; 10 Interests in the Matrimonial Home; 11 Legal Aspects of Parentage; 12 Orders Under s 8 Children Act 1989.
This "briefcase" is made up of a wide selection of cases chosen to illustrate some of the fundamental principles applied by the courts to contemporary problems of family law. The basic facts of the cases, and the courts' decisions are outlined, and particular attention is given to judicial comment.