lessons from industry for Department of Defense facilities /
Beth E. Lachman, Frank Camm, Susan A. Resetar.
Santa Monica, CA :
xxxi, 293 pages ;
23 cm.
Rand Corporation ;
"MR-1343-OSD"--Page 4 of cover.
"National Defense Research Institute."
"Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 279-293).
Ch. 1. Introduction -- Ch. 2. Environmental policy context -- Ch. 3. Proactive integrated environmental management approaches -- Ch. 4. Setting environmental goals and aligning environmental activities with them -- Ch. 5. Environmental assessment, metrics, and priority setting -- Ch. 6. Promoting effective relationships with relevant stakeholders -- Ch. 7. Training and motivating all employees -- Ch. 8. Conclusions.
Commercial facilities have discovered that pursuing integrated, facilitywide approaches to environmental management is good for the environment and makes good business sense. Direct benefits can include cost savings, increased operational flexibility, and improved public image. But despite the benefits, implementation can be difficult, as Department of Defense (DoD) installations have discovered while trying such integrated approaches. Commercial facilities similar to DoD installations offer insights about how to implement integrated approaches successfully. Demonstrated success factors include getting and sustaining high-level leadership support for change until change is complete, which will take time; implementing an effective environmental management system, often based on an international environmental management standard, ISO 14001, throughout the organization; establishing proactive environmental goals and activities with clear relationships to the organization's core values and mission; training and motivating personnel; using creative environmental assessment and priority setting techniques; developing good relationships with all stakeholders. The commercial lessons offered here can help DoD and other organizations implement integrated facilitywide approaches to environmental management.