Governing the female body : three dimensions of power / Paula Saukko and Lori Reed -- "It's down to you" : psychology, magazine culture and governing female bodies / Lisa Blackman -- Beyond pill scares? Online discussions on genetic thrombophilia and gendered contradictions of personalised medicine / Paula Saukko -- Gender, pathology, spectale : Internet addiction and the cultural organization of "healthy" computer use / Lori Reed -- Pink Ribbons Inc. : the emergence of cause-related marketing and the corporatization of the breast cancer movement / Samantha King -- Regulation through the postfeminist pharmacy : promotional discourse and menstruation / Joshua Gunn & Mary Douglas Vavrus -- Productive bodies : women, work and depression / Kristin Swenson -- 'The pill' in Puerto Rico and the mainland United States : negotiating discourses of risk and decolonization / Laura Briggs -- Biopolitical media : population communications international and the governing of reproductive health / Ronald Walter Greene and David Breshears -- Disciplining the ethnic body : Latinidad, hybridized bodies, and transnational identity / Angharad N. Valdivia and Isabel Molina -- "Doing what comes naturally"-negotiating normality in accounts of IVF-failure / Karen Throsby -- Feminism's sex wars and the limits of governmentality / Barbara Mennel -- Beyond XX and XY : living genomic sex / Ingrid Holme.
"Drawing on Foucault's notion of governmentality, this collection explores relations between the intimate governance of bodies and political governance. The contributors offer empirically grounded yet theoretically sophisticated case studies showing how gendered, racialized, and socioeconomic agendas structure medical and scientific practices." "Developing and utilizing a poststructuralist feminist framework, the chapters investigate emerging gendered discourses and practices around health, such as breast cancer charities, lifestyle genetic testing, new reproductive technologies, and the development and marketing of various psychotropic and hormonal drugs. This will be a key reader for anyone interested in the social implications of cutting-edge medical technologies."--Jacket.