What is of most concern to you? / [dialog with] Jonas Salk -- Are you not saying what the Buddha said? / Walpola Rahula and others -- How do we see that which is most real? / Eugene Schallert -- What future does man have? / David Bohm -- Who is the experiencer? / Iris Murdoch -- Is the brain different from a computer? / David Bohm and Asit Chandmal -- Is there an Eastern and a Western mind? / Pupul Jayakar -- Is it possible to end fear? / Ronald Eyre -- What is your secret? / Bernard Levin -- Can one have lucidity in this confused world? / Huston Smith -- Why is your teaching so difficult to live? / Renée Weber -- What is meditation? / Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche -- How can one overcome the despair of bereavement? / Anonymous -- Who are you? / Anonymous.