BMET as a career -- Patient safety -- In the workplace -- Electrodes, sensors, signals and noise -- The heart -- Cardiac assist devices -- Blood pressure -- Respiration and respiratory therapy -- The brain and its activity -- The intensive care unit -- The operating room -- Imaging -- Clinical laboratory equipment -- Intravenous pumps and other pumps -- Miscellaneous devices and topics.
"This book is designed to introduce the reader to the fundamental information necessary for work in the clinical setting, supporting the technology used in patient care. Beginning biomedical equipment technologists can use this book to obtain a working vocabulary and elementary knowledge of the industry. Content is presented through the inclusion of a wide variety of medical instrumentation, with an emphasis on generic devices and classifications; individual manufacturers are explained only when the market is dominated by a particular unit." "This book is designed for the reader with a fundamental understanding of anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology appropriate for their role in the health care field and assumes the reader's understanding of electronic concepts, including voltage, current, resistance, impedance, analog and digital signals, and sensors. The material covered in this book will assist the reader in the development of his or her role as a knowledgeable and effective member of the patient care team."--Jacket.
Introduction to biomedical instrumentation.
Biomedical engineering.
Medical electronics.
Medical instruments and apparatus.
Biomedical Engineering-- instrumentation.
Biomedical Technology-- instrumentation.
Electronics, Medical-- instrumentation.
Patient Care-- instrumentation.
Biomedical engineering.
MEDICAL-- Allied Health Services-- Medical Technology.