TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Introduction -- Chapter 1 Theatre Types -- Chapter 2 Properties of the Proscenium Theatre -- Chapter 3 Rigging -- Chapter 4 Ropes and Knot Tying -- Chapter 5 Soft Goods -- Chapter 6 Electricity -- Chapter 7 Power Distribution -- Chapter 8 Dimmers and Lighting Control -- Chapter 9 Photometrics and Hanging the Lights -- Chapter 10 Operating a Followspot -- Chapter 11 Sound -- Chapter 12 Computer Programs for Theatre -- Chapter 13 Stage Management -- Chapter 14 Hardware, Fabrics, Adhesives, and other Theatrical Supplies -- Chapter 15 Wood, Lumber, and other Building Materials -- Chapter 16 Hand Tools -- Chapter 17 Saws and Woodworking -- Chapter 18 Constructing Flats -- Chapter 19 Building Stair Units -- Chapter 20 Decking Methods -- Chapter 21 Metal Frame Construction -- Chapter 22 Full Scale Patterns -- Chapter 23 Doors and Windows -- Chapter 24 Working with Foam -- Chapter 25 How Do You Make.
This new and fully updated edition of the Illustrated Theatre Production Guide takes a step-by-step approach to the most common and popular theatre production practices, covering important issues related to the construction of wooden, fabric, plastic, and metal scenery used on the stage. This book examines theatres and their equipment, tools and materials, and scenery construction, as well as the principles of electricity and implementation of a lighting design. New additions include: * Hundreds of unique hand-drawings that illustrate lessons, giving detailed, dimensional instruction * New chapters on stage management and electrical theory as it relates specifically to stage lighting * Completely revamped chapters on metal frame construction and the practice of entertainment lighting covering DMX signals, dimmer mechanics, power distribution, digital lighting * Eco-friendly tips on how to reuse and recycle props and set material * Multiple do-it-yourself projects and practice problems *Companion website with a solutions manual and how-to videos that give an exclusive visual on crucial backstage tasks such as properly tying knots, building a chandelier, and constructing an outdoor stage Illustrated Theatre Production Guide, Second Edition offers techniques and best-practice methods from an experienced industry expert, creating a foundation on which to build a successful and resourceful career behind the scenes in theatre production. * NEW! Accompanying Website with how-to videos give an exclusive visual on how to do crucial backstage tasks such as properly tying knots, building a chandelier, and constructing an outdoor stage. * Hundreds of unique hand-drawings illustrate lessons to give dimensional detailed instruction * Greatly exapanded metal frame construction chapter, tons of new projects, and a brand new chapter on stage management to give you a more complete reference guide.
Elsevier Science & Technology
Illustrated theatre production guide.
Stage management.
Theaters-- Stage-setting and scenery.
PERFORMING ARTS-- Theater-- Direction & Production.