Includes bibliographical references (pages 309-322).
INTRODUCTION; 1. Life in a Restoration Town; 2. The Bourgeois Revolution of 1830 and the Workers; 3. Urban Growth and Industrial Concentration: Old and New Neighborhoods in Second Empire Limoges; 4. ""La Ville rouge"": Republicanism, Socialism, and the Commune; 5. Limoges in the Belle Epoque; 6. Large-scale Industrialization and Political Organization, 1871-95; 7. ""De la gare à la conférence contradictoire"": Popular Politics and Strikes During the Socialist Municipality, 1895-1905; 8. Denouement: The Strikes of 1905; EPILOGUE : State, City, and Revolution in Modern France; NOTES
A study of the impact of urbanization and large-scale industrialization on Limoges in the 19th century. Merriman confirms that the struggle between traditional and modern forces in French society and politics took place inside cities as well as between cities and the countryside.