Includes bibliographical references (pages 281-296) and index.
1. Introduction. Australia's population history and prospect / Geoffrey McNicoll -- 2. Indigenous Australians: the first transformation / John Taylor -- 3. Fertility trends and differentials / Gordon A. Carmichael and Peter McDonald -- 4. Transformations in the Australian family / Peter McDonald -- 5. The changing dimensions of mortality / Heather Booth -- 6. The management of immigration: patterns of reform / Bob Birrell -- 7. A greater diversity of origins / Siew-Ean Khoo -- 8. Changing patterns of population distribution / Graeme Hugo -- 9. Transformations in the labour force / Bruce Chapman and Cezary A. Kapuscinski -- 10. An ageing population: emergence of a new stage of life? / Don Rowland -- 11. Australia's future population: population policy in a low-fertility society / Peter McDonald.
Transformation of Australia's population, 1970-2030.