Includes bibliographical references (pages 319-322) and indexes.
I. Covenant -- A. Covenantal points -- True transcendence -- Hierarchy -- Ethics -- Sanctions -- Continuity -- "Five points of Covenantalism" -- II. Dominion -- A. Introduction -- "Dominion by covenant" -- B. Family -- The biblical family covenant -- The historical family covenant -- C. Church -- The biblical church covenant -- The historical church covenant -- D. State -- The biblical state covenant -- The historical state covenant -- E. Conclusion -- "Little by little" -- Appendix 1: The Ten Commandments -- Appendix 2: Psalms -- Appendix 3: Matthew -- Appendix 4: Romans -- Appendix 5: Revelation -- Appendix 6: Hebrews 8: Old covenant / new covenant comparison -- Appendix 7: Meredith G. Kline: Yes and no -- Appendix 8: Covenant in the flesh (old covenant sacraments) -- Appendix 9: Covenant by the Spirit (New covenant sacraments) -- Appendix 10: The covenant structure of the thirty-nine articles.
God desires for this people to prosper. He desires for his people to live in the full blessings of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, because most Christians hove not understood the nature of the covenant, they have pursued those blessings in an entirely un-Biblical fashion. They have resorted to the pop-psychology of positive thinking, or the pop-sociology of positive imaging, or the pop-theology of positive confession. The author demonstrates that only by keeping the terms of the covenant will Christians truly prosper. Utilizing careful and detailed Biblical exposition, and practical and lucid Biblical application, he shows just how God desires for us to obtain our promised victory. But he not only shows us all the hows of the covenant, he shows us all the whats, whens, wheres and whys as well.
Bible., Deuteronomy-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.