I: LIQUID HELIUM-4; 1 Superfluidity and charge carriers; 1.1 Superfluidity and the Landau critical velocity; 1.2 Spectrum of elementary excitations in He II; 1.3 Other localized ""excitations""; 1.4 Why ions and electrons as probes?; 2 Production of ions in the liquid; 2.1 Direct liquid ionization; 2.2 Field emission and field ionization; 2.3 Glow discharge; 2.4 Photoelectric effect; 2.5 Tunnel junctions; 2.6 Thermionic emission; 2.7 Ion implantation by glow discharge or laser ablation; 3 The structure of ions; 3.1 Positive ions; 3.2 Negative ions; 4 Ions and elementary excitations.
11 Interaction of ions with vortex lines11.1 Basic phenomenology of ion capture on vortex lines; 11.2 The model of Brownian diffusion; 11.3 The effect of pressure on the radius of negative ions; 11.4 Ion trapping on vortex lines at low temperature; 12 Motion of ions along linear vortices; 12.1 Detection of individual vortex lines; 12.2 Mobility of ions trapped on linear vortices; 13 Transport properties of different ions; 13.1 Positive impurity ions; 13.2 Exotic negative ions; 14 Direct determination of the effective mass of ions; 14.1 The microwave loss technique.
5 Transport properties of charge carriers at low temperature5.1 Transport at small fields; 5.2 Experimental techniques; 5.3 Early measurements at saturated vapor pressure; 5.4 Early low-field measurements at high pressure; 5.5 Impurity, phonon, and roton contributions to the ion mobility; 5.6 [sup(3)]He impurity-limited mobility; 5.7 Phonon-limited mobility; 5.8 Roton-limited mobility; 6 Ion transport at intermediate fields at low pressure; 6.1 The localized roton model; 6.2 The elusive drift velocity discontinuities; 7 Vortex hydrodynamics; 7.1 Semi-classical vortex hydrodynamics.
8 Motion of charged quantized vortex rings in superfluid He II8.1 Frictionless measurements at low temperature; 8.2 Interaction of quantized vortex rings with elementary excitations; 8.3 Determination of the vortex core parameter; 9 Nucleation of vortex rings; 9.1 The peeling model; 9.2 The fluctuation model; 9.3 The girdling model; 9.4 Vortex ring nucleation at intermediate electric fields; 9.5 Vortex ring nucleation by negative ions at high P and E; 10 Bare-ion transport at high fields; 10.1 Escape of bare ions from vortex rings; 10.2 Roton-emission-limited mobility of bare ions.
This volume is a comprehensive review of the experiments and theories about the transport properties of charge carriers in liquid helium.