Includes bibliographical references (pages 289-310) and index.
1. Musculoskeletal problems : Prevalence ; Health care ; The site of the problems ; Natural history and clinical course ; Systematic reviews of commonly used treatments ; The problems of diagnosis -- 2. Soft tissue properties : Tissue injury ; Recovery following trauma ; Failure to remodel repair tissue ; Degenerated tissue in which healing is suspended ; The effects of stress deprivation and exercise on connective tissue ; Factors restricting a normal return to function ; Cumulative postural stresses on musculoskeletal tissue ; Contractile tissue loading ; Clinical implications ; Sir Astley Cooper's engravings -- 3. Pain : Pain and nociception ; Sources of pain ; Activation of nociceptors ; Differentiating between chemical and mechanical pain ; Constant pain: chemical cause (constant chemical irritation) ; Constant pain: mechanical cause (constant tissue deformation) ; Intermittent pain: mechanical cause (intermittent tissue deformation) ; Failure to remodel repair tissue ; Derangement ; Chronic pain states -- 4. Mechanical diagnosis : The medical model ; The role of diagnosis in musculoskeletal problems ; Making a non-specific diagnosis ; Non-mechanical conditions -- 5. History : Aims of history-taking ; The interview -- 6. Physical examination : Aims of physical examination ; Neurological examination ; Conclusions -- 7. Assessment of symptomatic and mechanical presentations and responses : Symptomatic presentation ; Mechanical presentation and its assessment ; Assessment of the symptomatic presentation ; Use of symptom responses to determine loading strategies ; Chronic pain ; Review process -- 8. Patient management : Education component of management ; Active mechanical therapy component ; Compliance or therapeutic alliance? ; To treat or not to treat? -- 9. Management and self-treatment : Normal tissues, abnormal stresses: postural syndrome ; Acute presentations ; Sub-acute presentations ; Chronic presentations ; Therapist techniques and passive modalities ; Clinician procedures ; Passive modalities -- 10. Common disorders : The spine and peripheral joint problems ; Rotator cuff tendonitis ; Capsulitis of the gleno-huymeral joint ('frozen shoulder') ; Lateral epicondylitis ('tennis elbow') ; 'Pseudo' tennis elbow or elbow derangement ; Carpal tunnel syndrome ; Tenosynovitis: de Quervain's syndrome, ('trigger finger') ; Dupuytren's contracture ; Bursitis ; Overuse injuries ; 'Groin strain' or adductor strain ; Achilles' tendon injuries ; Patellofemoral joint pain ; Degenerative joint conditions/osteoarthritis ; Lateral ankle sprains -- 11. Clinical reasoning : Elements that inform the process of clinical reasoning ; Errors in clinical reasoning ; An example of clinical reasoning.
Authors Robin McKenzie and Stephen May draw upon their experience in mechanical disorders to provide clinicians with techniques to successfully treat extremity musculoskeletal conditions such as: repetitive strain injury, tennis elbow and general physical dysfunction. Applying these techniques can empower patients to assist in their return to health. Concepts are presented in a straightforward manner with over 107 photographs, illustrations and diagrams. (Product Description.)