Cover; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; 1. The rise of unemployment in Europe: a synopsis; 2. Profits and unemployment: is there an equilibrium rate of unemployment in the long run?; 3. The NAIRU theory, the NAIRU story and Keynesian approaches; 4. Explaining the rise in European unemployment: an evaluation of the NAIRU story and a Keynesian approach; 5. Financialization, shareholder value and the theory of the rm: nancialization and management priorities; 6. Financialization and the slowdown of capital accumulation; 7. Policy conclusions; References; Index.
The author considers the evolution of the rate of unemployment. Stockhammer provides a framework that compares the features and implications of the New Keynesian NAIRU model with those of the closely related post Keynesian theory of conflict inflation.
Rise of unemployment in Europe.
Keynes, John Maynard,1883-1946., General theory of employment, interest and money.
Keynes, John Maynard,1883-1946, General theory of employment, interest, and money.
General theory of employment, interest and money (Keynes, John Maynard)