Part I. Foundation -- Basic Regulation of Eating and Body Weight -- 1. Central Physiological Determinants of Eating Behavior and Body Weight / Sarah F. Leibowitz -- 2. Peripheral Physiological Determinants of Eating and Body Weight / Gerard P. Smith and James Gibbs -- 3. Genetic Influences on Body Weight / Claude Bouchard -- 4. Constitutional Thinness and Resistance to Obesity / Cynthia M. Bulik and David B. Allison -- 5. The Molecular Genetics of Body Weight Regulation / Rudolph L. Leibel -- 6. Leptin and Body Weight Regulation / L. Arthur Campfield -- 7. Energy Intake and Body Weight / Susan A. Jebb -- 8. A Psychobiological Systems Approach to Appetite and Weight Control / John E. Blundell -- 9. Taste, Taste Preferences, and Body Weight / Adam Drewnowski -- 10. Energy Expenditure and Body Weight / Eric Ravussin -- 11. Body Composition / Timothy G. Lohman -- 12. The Nature of the Regulation of Energy Balance / James O. Hill -- Psychological and Social Factors, Dieting, and Body Image -- 13. Acquisition of Food Preferences and Eating Patterns in Children / Leann L. Birch -- 14. Prevalence and Demographics of Dieting / Andrew J. Hill -- 15. Experimental Studies of Dieting / Janet Polivy and C. Peter Herman -- 16. Dietary Restraint and Overeating / Michael R. Lowe -- 17. The Controversy over Dieting / G. Terence Wilson -- 18. The Psychology of Binge Eating / Glenn Waller -- 19. Sociocultural Influences on Body Image and Eating Disturbance / Eric Stice -- 20. Stigma, Discrimination, and Obesity / Rebecca Puhl and Kelly D. Brownell -- 21. Body Image and Body Dysmorphic Disorder / Katharine A. Phillips -- Measurement Methods -- 22. Measurement of Total Body Energy Stores / Steven B. Heymsfield and Stanley Heshka -- 23. Measurement of Food Intake / Sachiko T. St. Jeor -- 24. Measurement of Energy Expenditure / Andrew M. Prentice -- 25. Measurement of Physical Activity / James F. Sallis and Marion F. Zabinski -- 26. Measurement of Eating Disorder Psychopathology / David M. Garner -- Part II. Eating Disorders -- Clinical Characteristics -- 27. History of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / Walter Vandereycken -- 28. Classification and Diagnosis of Eating Disorders / Paul E. Garfinkel -- 29. Clinical Presentation of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / Pierre J.V. Beumont -- 30. Atypical Eating Disorders (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) / Christopher G. Fairburn and B. Timothy Walsh -- 31. Binge-Eating Disorder / Carlos M. Grilo -- 32. Night Eating Syndrome / Albert J. Stunkard -- 33. Eating Disorders in Males / Arnold E. Andersen -- 34. Anxiety, Depression, and Eating Disorders / Cynthia M. Bulik -- 35. Eating Disorders and Addictive Disorders / G. Terence Wilson --36. Personality and Eating Disorders / Stephen A. Wonderlich -- 37. Childhood-Onset Eating Disorders / Rachel Bryant-Waugh and Bryan Lask -- 38. Families of Patients with Eating Disorders / Walter Vandereycken -- 39. Eating Disorders and Child Rearing / Alan Stein -- 40. Course and Outcome of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / Patrick F. Sullivan -- Epidemiology and Etiology -- 41. Distribution of Eating Disorders / Hans Wijbrand Hoek -- 42. Genetic Epidemiology of Eating Disorders / Michael Strober and Cynthia M Bulik -- 43. Molecular Genetics of Eating Disorders / David A. Collier -- 44. Risk Factors for Eating Disorders / Ulrike Schmidt -- 45. Gender, Ethnicity, and Eating Disorders / Ruth H. Striegel-Moore and Linda Smolak -- 46. Sport, Occupation, and Eating Disorders / Susan M. Byrne -- 47. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Eating Disorders / Sing Lee and Melanie A. Katzman -- Medical and Physical Aspects -- 48. Physiology of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / Katherine A. Halmi -- 49. Central Nervous System Neurotransmitter Activity in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / Walter H. Kaye -- 50. Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / Claire Pomeroy and James E. Mitchell -- 51. Eating Disorders in Diabetes Mellitus / Gary M. Rodin -- Treatment and Prevention -- 52. Eating Disorder Services / Allan S. Kaplan -- 53. Clinical Assessment of Patients with Eating Disorders / Robert L. Palmer -- 54. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa / Christopher G. Fairburn -- 55. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa / Kelly Bemis Vitousek -- 56. Family Therapy and Eating Disorders / Christopher Dare and Ivan Eisler -- 57. Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders / Christopher G. Fairburn -- 58. Pharmacological Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / B. Timothy Walsh -- 59. Day Hospital Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / Marion P. Olmsted -- 60. Inpatient Treatment and Medical Management of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa / D. Blake Woodside -- 61. Compulsory Treatment in the Management of Eating Disorders / Janet Treasure -- 62. Management of Patients with Intractable Eating Disorders / Joel Yager -- 63. Psychological Treatment of Binge-Eating Disorder / Denise E. Wilfley -- 64. Pharmacological Treatment of Binge-Eating Disorder / Michael J. Devlin --65. Self-Help Books in the Treatment of Eating Disorders / Jacqueline C. Carter -- 66. Eating Disorders and the Internet / Roz Shafran -- 67. Prevention of Eating Disorders / Niva Piran -- Part III. Obesity -- Clinical Characteristics of Obesity -- 68. Definition and Classification of Obesity / Per Bjorntorp -- 69. A Brief History of Obesity / George A. Bray -- 70. Obesity and Quality of Life / J.C. Seidell and M.A.R. Tijhuis -- 71. Psychological Consequences of Obesity / Michael A. Friedman and Kelly D. Brownell -- 72. Obesity and Body Image / James C. Rosen -- 73. Binge Eating in Obese Persons / Susan Z. Yanovski -- Epidemiology, Etiology, and Course of Obesity -- 74. A World View of the Obesity Problem / W. Philip T. James -- 75. Prevalence and Demographics of Obesity / Rodolfo Valdez and David F. Williamson -- 76. Epidemiology of Health Risks Associated with Obesity / JoAnn E. Manson, Patrick J. Skerrett, and Walter C. Willett -- 77. Epidemiology and Causes of Obesity in Children / Denise E. Wilfley and Brian E. Saelens -- 78. The Environment and Obesity / Kelly D. Brownell -- 79. Obesity in Minority Populations / Shiriki K. Kumanyika --80. Pregnancy and Weight Gain / Stephan Rossner -- 81. Age and Obesity / Reubin Andres -- 82. The Health Economics of Obesity and Weight Loss / Anne M. Wolf -- 83. An Overview of the Etiology of Obesity / James O. Hill -- Medical Aspects of Obesity and Weight Loss -- 84. Medical Complications of Obesity in Adults / F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer -- 85. Medical Consequences of Obesity in Children and Adolescents / William H. Dietz -- 86. The Metabolic Syndrome / Jean-Pierre Despres -- 87. Weight Loss and Risk Factors / George L. Blackburn -- 88. Effects of Weight Loss on Morbidity and Mortality / Rodolfo Valdez, Edward W. Gregg, and David F. Williamson -- 89. Metabolic Effects of Exercise in Overweight Individuals / Wim H.M. Saris -- 90. Social and Psychological Effects of Weight Loss / Gary D. Foster and Thomas A. Wadden -- Treatment and Prevention of Obesity -- 91. Goals of Obesity Treatment / Kelly D. Brownell and Albert J. Stunkard -- 92. Clinical Assessment of Obese Patients / Roland L. Weinsier and Robert F. Kushner -- 93. Exercise in the Management of Obesity / Steven N. Blair and Scott Holder -- 94. Behavioral Treatment for Obesity / G. Terence Wilson and Kelly D. Brownell -- 95. Meal Replacements in the Treatment of Obesity / David Heber -- 96. Very-Low-Calorie Diets / Thomas A. Wadden and Robert I. Berkowitz -- 97. Popular Diets / Johanna Dwyer and Kathleen Melanson -- 98. Commercial and Self-Help Weight Loss Programs / Leslie G. Womble and Thomas A. Wadden -- 99. Current Pharmacological Treatments for Obesity / Louis J. Aronne -- 100. Pharmacological Treatments on the Horizon / Stanley Heshka and Steven B. Heymsfield -- 101. Surgery for Obesity : Procedures and Weight Loss / Walter J. Pories and Joseph E. Beshay -- 102. Surgery for Obesity : Psychosocial and Medical Outcomes / Jarl Sison Torgerson and Lars Sjostrom -- 103. Management of Obesity in Children / Gary S. Goldfield and Leonard H. Epstein -- 104. Treatment of Obesity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes / Rena R. Wing -- 105. Weight Loss Programs for Minority Populations / John P. Foreyt -- 106. Characteristics of Successful Weight Maintainers / Rena R. Wing and MaryLou Klem -- 107. Improving Maintenance in Behavioral Treatment / Michael G.
Perri -- 108. The Management of Body Image Problems / Thomas F. Cash -- 109. Nondieting Approaches / Gary D. Foster -- 110. Obesity and the Internet / Kevin R. Fontaine and David B. Allison -- 111. Public Health Approaches to the Management of Obesity / Robert W. Jeffery -- 112. Public Policy and the Prevention of Obesity / Kelly D. Brownell.
This unique handbook presents and integrates virtually all that is currently known about eating disorders and obesity in one authoritative, accessible, and eminently practical volume. From leading international authorities, 112 concise chapters encapsulate the latest information on all pertinent topics, from biological, psychological, and social processes associated with risk, to clinical methods for assessment and intervention.
Eating disorders, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Obesity, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Body Weight.
Feeding and Eating Disorders.
Comportement alimentaire, Troubles du, Guides, manuels, etc.