Why blog? -- Hooking into the blogosphere -- Getting started -- What do good blogs share? -- Building your personal blog -- Professionally blogging, blogging professionally -- Building your company blog -- Power tools for bloggers -- Successful blogging -- The new fourth estate -- Adding podcasting to your blog -- Monetizing your blog for fun and profit -- Building readership -- Blogging from the new front lines -- Welcome to your future.
Almost overnight, blogging has become a social, political and business force to be reckoned with. Your fellow students, workers and competitors are joining the Blogosphere, making money, influencing elections, getting hired, growing market share and having fun, to the tune of 8,000 new bloggers a day. Clear Blogging (an Apress Technology in Action book) sets out to answer in non-technical terms what Blogging has to offer and why and how you should blog. If you've never read a blog, but you keep hearing that term on the news, Clear Blogging will show you why Blogging has shaken up Mainstream Media, and you can end up on CNN. If you're just starting to read blogs, Clear Blogging is your native guide to the Blogosphere, covering how to get the best and most interesting information with the least amount of time and effort. But those are the side courses: the main thrust of Clear Blogging is what you have to gain from Blogging, and how to go from your first post to being welcomed to the A List in your world.