""Title ""; ""Editor-in-Chief""; ""Associate Editors""; ""Editorial Advisory Board""; ""List of Contributors""; ""Contents""; ""Preface""; ""A Brief History of eLearning""; ""Technological Trends in Adult Education: Past, Present and in the Future""; ""The Proliferation, Pitfalls, and Power of Online Education""; ""The Virtual University: Distance Learning Spacesfor Adult Learners""; ""Why Choose an Online Course?""; ""Online or Traditional: A Study to Examine Course Characteristics Contributing to Students� Preference for Classroom Settings""
""Balancing Tradeoffs in Designing, Deploying, and Authoring Interactive Web-Based Learn-By-Doing Environments""""Supporting Group and Individual Processes in Web-Based Collaborative Learning Environments""; ""Designing Dynamic Learning Environment for Web 2.0 Application""; ""Designing Web-Based Training Courses to Maximize Learning""; ""Implementing Successful Online Learning Communities""; ""Web Accessibility Essentials for Online Course Developers""; ""Designing the Virtual Classroom for Management Teaching""; ""Augmenting Collaboration with Personalization Services""
""Classroom-in-a-Box: Rethinking Learning Community Classroom Environment Needs within Three-Dimensional Virtual Learning Environments""""Supporting the Implementation of Online Learning""; ""Measuring Effectiveness in Online Instruction""; ""A Practical Guide to Evaluate Quality of Online Courses""; ""Spiraling into Transformative Learning""; ""Transitioning to E-Learning: Teaching the Teachers""; ""Preparing Online Instructors: Beyond Using the Technology""; ""A Description of Online Instructors Use of Design Theory""; ""Internet-Enabled User Interfaces for Distance Learning""
""Profiling Group Activity of Online Academic Workspaces: The Hellenic Open University Case Study""""The Effectiveness of Scaffolding in a Web-Based, Adaptive Learning System""; ""Community of Inquiry in Adult Online Learning: Collaborative-Constructivist Approaches""; ""Development of Online Distributed Training: Practical Considerations and Lesson Learned""; ""Virtual Tour: A Web-Based Model of Instruction""; ""Enhancing Skills of Application Software via Web-Enabled Problem-Based Learning and Self-Regulated Learning: An Exploratory Study""
""Teaching Online: What Does Blended Learning Require?""""Instructional Strategies for Teaching in Synchronous Online Learning Environments (SOLE)""; ""The Key Elements of Online Learning Communities""; ""Instructional Interactivity in a Web-Based Learning Community""; ""Teaching Adult Learners in Online Career and Technical Education""; ""Collaborative Learning: Using Group Work Concepts for Online Teaching""; ""Dispatches from the Graduate Classroom: Bringing Theory and Practice to E-Learning""
"This comprehensive collection offers a compendium of research on the design, implementation, and evaluation of online learning technologies, addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with the creation and management of Web-based applications and communities, instructional design, personalized learning environments, and effective educational delivery"--Provided by publisher.