Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Preface; CHAPTER 1: Health risks and precautions: general considerations; CHAPTER 2: Mode of travel: health considerations; CHAPTER 3: Environmental health risks; CHAPTER 4: Injuries and violence; CHAPTER 5: Infectious diseases of potential risk for travellers; CHAPTER 6: Vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccines; CHAPTER 7: Malaria; CHAPTER 8: Exposure to blood or other body fluids; CHAPTER 9: Special groups of travellers; CHAPTER 10: Psychological Health; Country list: Yellow fever vaccination requirements and recommendations.
More than 900 million international journeys were undertaken in 2008. This amount of global travel exposes many people to changes in altitude, humidity, disease agents and temperature-all of which can lead to ill-health. Many health risks can be minimized by precautions taken before, during and after travel. This book explains how travelers can stay healthy, and provides WHO guidance on vaccinations, malaria chemoprophylaxis and treatment, protection against insects and other disease vectors, and safety in different environmental settings. This book covers all the main health risks to travelers.