Includes bibliographical references (pages 165-179).
Determinants ofchild labour -- Action against child labour -- Youth: unemployment, inactivity and education -- Youth in the globalized world of work -- Youth inactivity andyouth unemployment -- The policy response -- Implications foreducation, schooling and work -- Active ageing and work -- Opening the world of work to persons with disabilities -- Approaches to greater inclusion -- Indigenous peoples: working from tradition to new challenges -- Migrants and social disadvantage -- Concluding remarks -- IV. Inequalities, employment generation and decent work -- Trends and types of economic inequalities -- Functional distribution of income -- Wage differentials -- Casualization, contractualization and wage differentiation -- Migrants and the native-born -- Minimum wages -- Impact of inequalities on employment and decent work -- Socio-political inequality, economic growth and employment generation. -- Gender inequality undermines growth and employment-creation -- Health as human development -- Hungerprevents development of human capital -- Racial and ethnic minorities and human capital -- income inequality is detrimental to human development and social cohesion/trust -- Policy directions -- Redistributive policies.
Introduction -- Findings -- Recommendations -- 1. Global employment and work -- Global employment and unemployment trends -- Sectoral changes -- Global decline of agricultural labour -- Deindustrialization -- Joblessgrowth -- Global informalization -- Unemployment and labour-market insecurity -- Outsourcing or offshoring -- Working time -- Concluding remarks -- II. The impact of global economic and social liberalization -- Liberalization, commercialization and economic volatility -- Trade liberalization -- Financial market liberalization -- Foreign direct investment -- Fiscal policy reform -- Social service liberalization -- Labour- market flexibility -- Labour-market re-regulation -- Contractualization and individualization -- Migration -- An emerging international labour market? -- Impact of international migration -- Migration and remittances -- Concluding remarks -- Ill. Social groups in the labour force -- Work in a changing family context -- Women: greater participation, greater risks -- Women's participation in the labour force -- Women's participation in the informal sector -- Occupationalsegregation -- Reconciliation of work and family responsibilities -- Ending child labour -- Estimates ofchild labour.
Labour- market policies -- Political and legal reforms -- Emerging challenges for policy interventions -- Concluding remarks -- V. Social protection, labour and work -- Health care: costs, access and" employability" -- Disability benefits -- Pension reforms: are pensions dying? -- Unemployment insurance benefits -- Family and childcare benefits and care work compensation -- From social insurance to social assistance -- The spread of individualized savings accounts -- The fiscalization of social security -- Concluding remarks -- VI. Demand-side employment schemes -- Employment subsidies -- Social funds -- Micro-insurance and microcredit schemes -- Food for work -- Cash-for-work schemes -- Public works -- Concluding remarks -- VII. Policy priorities for employment and decent work -- The need forvoice -- Informalization and the response -- Labour rights revisited -- The right to work -- Economic security as a right -- The new international labour market and social groups -- Expectations of greaterparticipation -- Migrantworkers -- Disability and work rights -- Older workers and lifetime flexibility -- Improving the working conditions of women ; -- Channelling young people's expectations -- Policy priorities for moving forward -- Concluding remarks -- Bibliography.
The 2007 issue of the Report on the World Social Situation focuses on the key role of productive employment and decent work in reducing poverty and promoting social development. It surveys the global trends in employment and work, as well as the socio-economic context within which the world of work has evolved in the last two decades. It recommends that policies and strategies to promote full employment and decent work take into account demographic and social changes. The report emphasizes that political reforms and legal provisions are necessary to prevent discrimination in the workplace and in society in order to promote productive employment. The report also points to the need to ensure universality of some form of social protection coverage in view of the fact that more and more workers are in employment situations that are casual, informal and out of standard collective contracts, by choice or by necessity.--Publisher's description.
Globalization-- Economic aspects.
Labor market.
Social problems.
Globalization-- Economic aspects.
Labor market.
Social problems.
United Nations., Department of Economic and Social Affairs.