Includes bibliographical references (pages 173-186) and index.
Introduction -- Modernity as industrialism -- Research problem -- Approach -- Data -- Design of the book -- Notes to chapter 1 -- What is actually a "class"? -- Martin Lipset and "working-class" authoritarianism -- Introduction -- What is actually a "class"? -- Hypotheses -- Operationalization -- Results -- Conclusion -- Notes to chapter 2 -- What about occupational self-direction? -- Melvin Kohn and "working-class" authoritarianism -- Introduction -- Melvin Kohn: theory and research findings -- Hypotheses -- Operationalization -- Results -- Conclusion -- Notes to chapter 3 -- Is postmaterialism really different from libertarianism? -- And can it be explained materialistically? -- Introduction -- What does Inglehart's postmaterialism index measure? -- Parental affluence and postmaterialism -- Measurement -- Results -- Conclusion -- Notes to chapter 4 -- Why are there so many postmaterialists in affluent countries? -- An international comparison -- Introduction -- Hypotheses -- Data and measurement -- Results -- Conclusion -- Notes to chapter 5 -- Who votes for whom? and why exactly? -- Class, cultural capital and voting behavior -- Introduction -- Methodological progress and theoretical stagnation -- Class voting and cultural voting in the Netherlands -- How theoretical complacency can produce wrong findings -- So, once again: has there been a decline of class voting? -- Notes to chapter 6 -- Has there really been a decline of class voting? -- Class voting and cultural voting in Great Britain, 1974-1997 -- Introduction -- Operationalization -- Has the relation between class and voting decreased? -- But has class voting declined too? -- Cultural voting -- The decline of class voting and the silent revolution -- The ironies of Marxism lite -- Notes to chapter 7 -- Conclusion -- Marxism lite and its blind spot for culture -- Introduction -- Research findings -- Education, social inequality and cultural capital -- Severing the link with class and social stratification -- Culture, industrialism and modernity -- New answers to old questions.