Includes bibliographical references (pages 71-72).
Abbreviations; Acknowledgments; Foreword; Avant-propos; Prólogo; Executive Summary; Résumé analytique; Resumen; IFC Management Response to IEG-IFC; Chairperson's Summary: Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE); 1 Development Results of IFC-Supported Projects, 1996-2006; Substantial Increases in IFC Investment and Advisory Services Activities; Most IFC-Supported Projects Achieved High Development Ratings; Further Improvement Is Anticipated; No Trade-off between Development Results and IFC Investment Returns.
Box 1.3 IFC Is Deepening Its Development Results Measurement but Methodological Challenges RemainBox 1.4 IFC and World Bank Development Results Are Generally Not Comparable; Box 2.1 Examples of IFC Transport Investments in Brazil; Box 2.2 IEG Evaluates IFC Work Quality across Three Underlying Indicators; Box 2.3 IFC Faced Considerable Challenges Pursuing Sustainable PSD in Africa; Box 3.1 Examples of Successful Agribusiness and Rural Finance Operations; Box 3.2 Examples of World Bank Group Cooperation; Box 3.3 Examples of IFC's Countercyclical Role during Previous Crises.
Comprehensive Evaluation of IFC's Development Effectiveness Remains a Major Challenge2 Lessons from 10 Years of Private Sector Development Evaluation; Development Results Are Driven by Five Factors; A. Changes in the Quality of a Country's Business Climate Following Project Approval; B. Type of Industry Sector; C. Quality of the Sponsor; D. Level of Product Market, Client Company, and Project Type Risks; E. IFC Work Quality; Type of Financing Has Implications for Development Performance; Nature of Linkages between Investment and Advisory Services Activities Is Also Important.
Evaluation Provides a Basis for Better IFC Results3 Strategic Implications for IFC; IFC Is Pursuing an Ambitious Growth Plan While Further Decentralizing; Stakeholder and Client Perspective: Need to Adopt a Deeper Country Focus and Emphasize Distributional Issues; Internal Process Perspective: New Incentives and Mechanisms for IFC-World Bank Cooperation Required; Human Capital Perspective: Ensure Robust Work Quality as IFC Decentralizes; Financial and Measurement Perspective: Prepare for the Next Major Market Correction and Improve Development Impact Measurement; 4 Recommendations.
Meeting Stakeholder and Client NeedsDeveloping More Seamless World Bank Group Processes; Addressing Learning and Growth Needs; Financial and Measurement Issues; Appendixes; A: Evaluation Methodology; B: Performance of IFC-Supported Projects and the Profitability of IFC Investment Operations: Further Analysis; C: Definitions of Evaluation Terms; Endnotes; References; Box 1.1 IEG Independently Rates the Development and Investment Performance of IFC Operations; Box 1.2 Examples of Successful and Less Successful IFC Projects.
As part of the World Bank Group, IFC's overriding objective is to help reduce poverty and support sustainable development in developing countries. IFC pursues this mission by supporting the private sector to create jobs and simulate markets. This report, which assesses the impact of IFC toward that mission, appears at a time of unprecedented levels of private investment in the emerging markets. The report takes a look back at the development results that the IFC-supported projects have achieved in the last 10 years, the main lessons that have emerged at the project level and the strategic impl.
Independent Evaluation of IFC's Development Results 2007 : Lessons and Implications from 10 Years of Experience.