Nitric oxide physiology and pathology -- Ionizing radiation-induced DNA strand breaks and [gamma]-H2AX[gamma]-H2AX foci in cells exposed to nitric oxide -- Determination of S-nitrosothiolsS-nitrosothiols in biological fluids by chemiluminescencechemiluminescence -- Measurement of nitritenitrite in blood samples using the ferricyanide-based hemoglobin oxidationoxidation assay -- Selective fluorescent activation for bioimagingbioimaging the expression of nitric oxide in cellular and in vivo systems -- Real-time measurement of murine hippocampushippocampus NO levels in response to cerebral ischemia/reperfusionreperfusion -- Detection of low levels of nitric oxide using an electrochemical sensor -- Determination of the scavenging capacity against reactive nitrogen species by automatic flow injection-based methodologies -- Aqueous measurement of nitric oxide using membrane inlet membrane inlet mass spectrometry -- Quantum cascade laser technology for the ultrasensitive detection of low-level nitric oxide -- Determination of in vivo nitric oxide levels in animal tissues using a novel spin trapping technology -- [Beta] cell protection by inhibition of iNOS through lentiviral vector-based strategies -- Characterization of nitric oxide delivery systems produced by various nanotechnologies -- Nitric oxide releasing nanoparticle synthesis and characterization -- NOS antagonism using viral vectors as an experimental strategy : implications for in vivo studies of cardiovascular control and peripheral neuropathies.
The past two decades have seen an explosion in the number of research articles relating to both the physiological and pathological responses evoked by nitric oxide generation. Despite this, accurate quantification of nitric oxide in either in vitro or in vivo models remains challenging, due to the relatively unstable nature of the molecule. In Nitric Oxide: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field provide a detailed reference manual packed with step-by-step approaches to reproduce various complex protocols within your own laboratory. Divided into two parts, the volume first covers various disparate protocols relating to the direct detection and quantification of nitric oxide, including techniques which detail how to image real time in vivo generation of nitric oxide, quantify nitric oxide production in the rat brain, and the detect ultralow levels of nitric oxide in the pM range, and the book then continues with a section on techniques designed to either inhibit or enhance nitric oxide, with an aim to achieve therapeutic gain, featuring the inhibition of the nitric oxide synthase enzymes using viral, shRNA delivery systems to prevent cardiovascular dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, and graft rejection. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and easy to use, Nitric Oxide: Methods and Protocols examines numerous complex methodologies detailed in each chapter and proves to be an invaluable resource for anyone with an interest in nitric oxide research.