1. Services : the epic of Tullus Hostilius and the myths of Indra: Myth and epic ; The "Horatii" and the "Āptya" ; Mettius Fuffetius and Namuci ; The warrior function and its relations to the other two functions ; The Indo-European heritage -- 2. Fatalities : the three sins of the warrior: Solitude and liberty ; Indra the sinner ; The sins and the losses of Indra ; The three sins of Starcatherus ; The three sins of Heracles ; Fatalities of the warrior function -- 3. Promotions : epiphanies, dumies, grimaces: The moments of a heroic career ; Vr̥trahán, Vereshraǧna, Vahagn ; Warriors and animal forms ; Scenarios and accessories ; Signs upon the hero.