Networked media in an IT environment -- The basics of professional networked media -- Storage system basics -- Storage access methods -- Software technology for AV systems -- Reliability and scalability methods -- Networking basics for AV -- Media systems integration -- Security for networked AV systems -- Systems management and monitoring -- The transition to IT: issues and case studies -- A review of AV basics.
Audio/Video (AV) systems and Information Technology (IT) are colliding. Broadcasters and other AV professionals are impacted by the transition to IT components and techniques. This is the first book to focus on the intersection of AV and IT concepts. It includes technology reviews and the tools to understand and evaluate key aspects of hybrid AV systems. Twelve chapters encompass a broad range of information including: IT integration, AV networking, storage systems, file and metadata formats, software platforms, reliability, element management, security, workflow improvement, AV technology, t.