Cover; Contents; Preface: Role of T-Cell Subtypes in Allergic Inflammations; Th17 and Treg Cells Innovate the Th1/Th2 Concept and Allergy Research; Abstract; General Role of T Cells in the Immune System; Treg Cells and Their Importance in Allergy; Th17 Cells -- Proinflammatory Cousins of Treg Cells?; Origin of T-Cell Phenotypes; Future and Perspective; Acknowledgements; References; Regulatory T Cells and Antigen-Specific Tolerance; Abstract; Characteristics of Regulatory T Cells; Intra- and Extrathymic Generation of Tregs; Function of Tregs; Concluding Remarks; References.
Dendritic Cells and Regulatory T CellsMaturation Status of Dendritic Cells Is Critical for Induction of Regulatory T Cells; Regulatory T Cells Suppress DC Maturation; Monocytes/Macrophages and Regulatory T Cells; B Cells and Regulatory T Cells; Interaction between DCs and Regulatory T Cells during Allergic and Inflammatory Reactions; Conclusion; References; Mucosal Regulatory T Cells in Airway Hyperresponsiveness; Abstract; Respiratory Tolerance; Asthma; Measuring AHR; AHR in Asthma; Studying AHR in Animal Models; Inhibiting AHR in Animal Models; Treg Populations.
Mast Cells Initiate and Modulate T-Cell Responses during Allergic Airway InflammationNovel and Distinct Roles for Basophils in Allergy; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Regulatory Effects of Histamine and Histamine Receptor Expression in Human Allergic Immune Responses; Abstract; Molecular Basis for Action; Histamine Receptors; Synthesis and Metabolism of Histamine; Histamine in Chronic Inflammatory Responses; Role of Histamine in the Regulation of Immune Response; Antigen-Presenting Cells; Effect of Histamine on T Cells and Antibody Isotypes.
Molecular Mechanisms of Regulatory T-Cell DevelopmentAbstract; Role of Foxp3 in TR Cell Function; Molecular Mechanisms of nTR Cell Development in the Thymus; Function of Foxp3 in nTR Cell Development; Transcriptional Regulation by Foxp3; The Foxp3 Transcriptional Program and the TR Cell Transcriptosome; Transcriptional Regulation of Foxp3; nTR versus iTR Cells; Heritable Disorders of TR Cells; TR Cell-Directed Therapeutic Interventions in Allergy and Autoimmunity; Concluding Remarks; References; Interaction of Regulatory T Cells with Antigen-Presenting Cells in Health and Disease; Abstract.
Role of Treg in Inhibiting AHRRole of Treg in Human AHR; Therapeutic Means of Inhibiting AHR in Asthma; Conclusions; References; Natural Killer Cells in Allergic Inflammation; Abstract; Human Natural Killer Cell Subtypes; Lysis by NK Cells; NK Cells and Cytokines; NK Cells in Allergy; Concluding Remarks; References; Mast Cells and Mast Cell-Derived Factors in the Regulation of Allergic Sensitization; Abstract; Skin Models Implicate a Role for Mast Cells in Priming of Adaptive Immune Responses and Allergic Sensitization.
Important new findings for the development of novel allergy treatments.
T cell regulation in allergy, asthma and atopic skin diseases.