1. Will to self-consummation, and will to crime : a study in criminal motivation / Don Crewe -- 2. Being accused, becoming criminal / George Pavlich -- 3. Biaphobia, state violence and the definition of violence / Willem Schinkel -- 4. Existentialism, edgework, and the contingent body : exploring the criminological implications of ultimate fighting / Stephen Lyng, Rick Matthews, and William J. Miller -- 5. Scrounging : time, space, and being / Jeff Ferrell -- 6. White-collar offenders after the fall from grace : stigma, blocked paths and resettlement / Ben Hunter -- 7. 'We just live day-to-day' : a case study of life after release following wrongful conviction / Stephen Farrall -- 8. The seductions of conformity : the criminological importance of a phenomenology of exchange / Simon MacKenzie -- 9. Existentialism and the criminology of the shadow / Bruce Arrigo and Christopher Williams -- 10. Towards existential hybridization? : a contemplation on the being and nothingness of critical criminology / Ronnie Lippens.