Revised edition of: Ship stability notes and examples / Kemp and Young. 1971.
Modern ship types and characteristics; Stability concept; First principles; Simpson's rules -- Quadrature; Bending of beams and ships; Small angle stability; Longitudinal stability-trim; Drydocking procedures; Water and oil pressure; Free surface effects; Large angle stability; Stability data supplied to ships; Useful formulae; How to pass exams; Revision one-liners; Examples for exercise; Index.
The Kemp and Young series provides a general introduction to a number of subject areas in a style that will be ideally suited for those wishing to learn more. The concise presentation of the subject matter is made possible by the reduction of the work to its simplest terms. This is achieved through the omission of unnecessary mathematics or mathematical concepts, and the generous use of diagrams and illustrations. Rapid reference to the substance of each topic can be made by use of the carefully constructed index.The third edition of 'Ship Stability: Notes and Examples' has been update.