Introduction / Nadia Urbinati and Alex Zakaras -- Mill on liberty and on the contagious diseases acts / Jeremy Waldron -- Rational freedom in John Stuart Mill's feminism / Maria Morales -- The many heads of the hydra : J.S. Mill on despotism / Nadia Urbinati -- J.S. Mill and liberal socialism / Bruce Baum -- The method of reform : J.S. Mill's encounter with Bentham and Coleridge / Fred Rosen -- Bureaucracy, democracy, liberty : some unanswered questions in Mill's politics / Alan ryan -- Mill in parliament : when should a philosopher compromise? / Dennis Thompson -- John Stuart Mill, individuality, and participatory democracy / Alex Zakaras -- Mill's neo-athenian model of liberal democracy / Jonathan Riley -- John Stuart Mill on education and democracy / Wendy Donner -- Cosmopolitan patriotism in J.S. Mill's political thought and activism / Georgios Varouxakis -- Mill and the imperial predicament / Karuna Mantena -- Making sense of liberal imperialism / Stephen Holmes -- Mill's "a few words on non-intervention" : a commentary / Michael Walzer.
The year 2006 marked the two hundredth anniversary of John Stuart Mill's birth. Though his philosophical reputation has varied greatly, it is now clear that Mill ranks among the most influential modern political thinkers. Despite his enduring influence, the breadth and complexity of Mill's political thought is often underappreciated. While his writings remain a touchstone for debates over liberty and liberalism, many other important dimensions of his political philosophy have until recently been ignored. This book aims to correct such neglect, by illustrating the breadth and depth of Mill's political writings, by drawing together a collection of essays whose authors explore underappreciated elements of Mill's political philosophy. The book shows how Mill's thinking remains pertinent to our own political life in three broad areas - democratic institutions and culture, liberalism, and international politics - and offers a critical reassessment of Mill's political philosophy in light of recent political developments and transformations.