Monograph series / Society for New Testament Studies ;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 173-186) and index.
Luke's hero is Paul. But is the hero of Acts the historical Paul? As the author of this interesting and provocative study makes clear, there are several problems with the biographical details of Paul found in Acts. Luke has Paul claim that he was a Roman citizen, a citizen of the Greek city of Tarsus, and a strict and proud Pharisee. This combination is unique, and for Dr. Lentz it is perhaps too unique to be true. Luke, it seems, is intent on portraying Paul as an individual of the highest social status. Furthermore, in many of the dramatic scenes of Acts Luke is concerned to highlight Paul's virtue: Paul is prudent, wise, brave, and pious. For Luke, he is a paragon of the ideal Greco-Roman man. It is not surprising, as Lentz sees it, that Paul is allowed to transfer his legal hearing to the court of the emperor in Rome. Only the very few rich and powerful would have had their appeals granted there. Just as Luke has shaped his sources to emphasize Paul's status and virtue, so too has Luke fashioned the court accounts in a similar manner, in order to depict Paul as being always in control. Dr. Lentz concludes that - while much of Luke's narrative reflects important social-historical issues of the day - the main focus of Acts is not history. In the depiction of his hero Luke was far more the artist than the historian, in his intent to show that the early church and Paul were to be taken seriously in the first-century world.
Paul,(2 av. J. C. - 67;
Paulus (Apostel)
Bible., Acts-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible, N.T, Acts.
Bible., New Testament., Acts.
Bible-- Sociologie.
Bible., New Testament., Actes des Apôtres-- Critique, interprétation, etc.
Bibel, Apostelgeschichte
Bible., Acts.
Bible., New Testament., Actes-- Critique, interprétation, etc.
New Testament., Acts-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
New Testament., Luke-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.