Adjectives -- Adjective clauses -- Adverb phrases and clauses of time -- Articles -- Comparisons -- Comparisons with conclusions -- Conditional sentences -- Gerunds and infinitives -- Modals -- Nouns -- Noun clauses -- Participles -- Possessive nouns -- Prefixes -- Prepositions -- Questions, information -- Questions, yes/no -- So/such ... that -- Too/enough -- Transitions -- Verbs.
"The purpose of this book is to provide a collection of communicative activities that encourage students to interact with one another while practicing key grammar points in English. Recognizing the roles that challenge and confidence-building play in successful language learning, we have designed two types of activities. The first provides students with the grammatical forms, while the second requires students to produce them. Both types include cooperative task-solving and opinion-sharing activities. All are student-driven and require minimal teacher input, permitting the instructor to assume the role of observer and facilitator after introducing the activity."--preface.
Educational games.
English language-- Study and teaching-- Foreign speakers.
Educational games.
English language-- Study and teaching-- Foreign speakers.