Attosecond high harmonic pulses : generation and characterization / C.H. Nam and K.T. Kim -- High power lasers and interactions / C. Chatwin and R. Young -- Laser accelerators / L.M. El-Nadi [and others] -- Energy levels, oscillator strengths, lifetimes, and gain distributions of S VII, CI VIII, and Ar IX / Wessameldin. S. Abdelaziz and Th. M. El-Sherbini -- The gain distribution according to theoretical level structure and decay dynamics of W[symbol] / H.M. Hamed [and others] -- Raman spectroscopy and low temperature photoluminescence ZnSe[symbol]Te[symbol] ternary alloys / A. Salah [and others] -- Automated polarization-discrimination technique to minimize lidar detected skylight background noise, part I / Y.Y. Hassebo, K. Elsayed and S. Ahmed -- Laser interferometric measurements of the physical properties for He, Ne gases and their mixture / N.M. Abdel-Moniem [and others] -- Analytical studies of laser beam propagation through the atmosphere / M.I. El-Saftawy, A.M. Abd El-Hamed and N. Sh. Kalifa -- Laser techniques in conservation of artworks : problems and breakthroughs / R. Salimbeni and S. Siano -- Technology-aided heritage conservation laser cleaning for buildings / M.S. Nada -- Technology significance in conservation of the built heritage 3D visualization impact / M.S. Nada -- Simulation of optical resonators for Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSEL) / M.S. Mansour [and others] -- Optical design alternatives : a survey study / A.A.K. Ismail, I.A.S. Ismail and S.H. Ahmed -- Materials for digital optical design ; a survey study / A.A.K. Ismail, I.A.S. Ismail and S.H. Ahmed -- Proposed design for optical digital circuits / A.A.K. Ismail, I.A.S. Ismail and S.H. Ahmed -- Photo-induced effect on bacterial cells / M.H. El Batanouny [and others] -- Laser and non-coherent light effect on peripheral blood normal and acute lymphoblastic leukemic cells by using different types of photosensitizers / M.H. El Batanouny [and others] -- Molecular mechanisms and apoptosis in PDT / B. Krammer and T. Verwanger -- Follow up of treatment of cadmium and copper toxicity in Clarias Gariepinus using laser techniques / K.H. Zaghloul [and others].
This volume presents information on the exciting breakthroughs and the very quickly evolving fields of research in laser science and applications. The book provides state-of-the-art knowledge of lasers and their applications, with contributions from scientists and technologists from Egyptian and international universities, institutes, ministries and industries in this highly advanced field of science and technology. The book covers topics related to laser development and applications in the following fields of research : fiber optics; remote sensing; ultra-fast phenomena; laser spectroscopy; laser photobiology; laser photochemistry; laser applications in agriculture; laser applications in engineering; laser applications in medicine; laser applications in photochemistry and photobiology; and laser basic sciences.
Laser science and applications.
Lasers, Congresses.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Lasers & Photonics.
TEC-- 019000
El Nadi, Lotfia.
Mansour, Mohy S.
International Conference on Laser Science and Applications(6th :2007 :, National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences)