Reader's guide -- Research and activity ideas -- Words to know -- Timeline of events -- Almanac. Witchcraft in Europe -- Witch-hunts in Puritan New England -- Salem Town and Salem Village -- Salem witch trials and executions -- The aftermath of the Salem trials -- Neo-paganism -- Primary sources. Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger: excerpts from Malleus maleficarum (Hammer of witches, 1486) -- Increase Mather: excerpt from "Remarkable providences" (1684) -- Cotton Mather and Ezekial Cheever: the Salem Trials: interrogation of Susannah Martin -- Rebecca Nurse: examination of Rebecca Nurse (1691-92) -- Ann Putnam, Sr.: the testimony of Ann Putnam, Sr. against Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse (1692) -- Thomas Knowlton: Witchcraft 1687: the deposition of Thomas Knowlton -- Cotton Mather: excerpt from The wonders of the invisible world (1693) -- Samuel Sewall: excerpts from the diary entries of Samuel Sewall -- Samuel Sewall: apology of Samuel Sewall (1697) -- Robert Calef: excerpt from More wonders of the invisible world (1700) -- Ann Putnam, Jr.: apology of Ann Putnam, Jr. (1706) -- Nathaniel Hawthorne: excerpt from "Young Goodman Brown" (1846) -- Carl L. Weschke: excerpt from "Principles of Wiccan belief" -- Biographies. Bridget Bishop (1640-1692) -- Robert Calfef (1648-1719) -- Rachel Clinton (b.1629) -- Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-64) -- Cotton Mather (1663-1728) -- Sameul Parris (1653-1720) -- John Proctor (d. 1692) -- Ann Putnam, Jr. (1680-1717) -- Samuel Sewall (1652-1730) -- Tituba (dates not known).
Traces the history of witchcraft in the New World, from the hysteria of the Salem witch hunts to the modern-day renaissance of the Wiccan religion.
Witchcraft in America.
Witchcraft-- United States-- History, Juvenile literature.