Introduction: Fellow Traveling in Academia; Part I: ADMINISTERING CONFLICT; 1. Political Correctness: The Revenge of the Liberals; 2. Is Academic Freedom in Trouble?; Part II: FACING THE PUBLIC; 3. Forging a Public Voice for Academic Critics; 4. Why I'd Rather Be Talking to a TV Camera; 5. Crossing Over: The Academic as Porn Star; Part III: FAILED ENCOUNTERS: DIALOGUE OR CHATTER?; 6. Criticism as Displacement; 7. The Poverty of Conversation; Afterword: Fellow Traveling with the Right; Notes; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; V; W.
In a provocative and fair-minded look at current critical practices and the future of the academy, Jeffrey Wallen draws a disturbing picture of public intellectuals in search of a public and cultural critics unable to enter a dialogue with others. Taking up several of the most influential critics of recent years-Edward Said, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Michael Bérubé, Gerald Graff, Richard Rorty, Stanley Fish, and many others-Wallen explores the intersections between literary and actual politics.