Includes bibliographical references (pages 183-190) and index.
By Way of an Introduction; Philosophy in the First Half of the Twentieth Century; Chapter 1 Revisiting The Revolt of the Masses; Chapter 2 Ortega's Notion of Mass Man and Noble Man; Chapter 3 Subjectivity and Mass Culture; Chapter 4 Toward a Celebration of Man's Achievements; Chapter 5 Toward an Aesthetics of Life; Chapter 6 Nihilism and Collective Banality; Chapter 7 Authenticity and Borrowed Opinions The Bloated Ship of State; Chapter 8 Mass Man The Triumph of the New Man; Chapter 9 The New Man Parody of Genuine Individualism.
Chapter 10 Mass Man's Existential Revolt and the Future of Human FreedomBibliography; Primary Sources; Works by Ortega in English Translation; Secondary Sources; Index.
This book is first and foremost a detailed and meticulous study of Ortega y Gasset's The Revolt of the Masses (1930). No other up-to-date books explore this thinker and his great work. Most importantly, the author demonstrates the relevance and importance of Ortega y Gasset's thought and his The Revolt of the Masses for today's world, showing, for instance, how Ortega's categories like mass man and decadence, have been vindicated by today's spiritual, moral and cultural decay. This aspect of the book will perhaps be of major interest to the reading public. What Ortega argues for in his brief h.
Ortega's The revolt of the masses and the triumph of the new man.
Ortega y Gasset, José,1883-1955-- Political and social views.
Ortega y Gasset, José,1883-1955., Rebelión de las masas.