Foreword -- Main Findings of the Conference on Entrepreneurship and Employment Creation of Immigrants in OECD Countries, 9-10 June 2010, Paris -- Migrant entrepreneurship in OECD countries and its contribution to employment -- Migration policies in OECD countries to manage the migration of foreign entrepreneurs and investors -- Shifting landscapes of immigrant entrepreneurship -- The determinants of immigrant entrepreneurship and employment creation in Portugal -- Entrepreneurship among immigrants in Switzerland -- Business creation in France by entrepreneurs from outside the European Union -- Self-employment amongst ethnic and migrant groups in the United Kingdom -- Chinese entrepreneurship in Canada -- Mexican-American entrepreneurs and their contribution to the US economy -- Migrant women entrepreneurhip in OECD countries -- Skilled immigrants' contribution to innovation and entrepreneurship in the United States -- The contribution of migrants in enhancing foreign trade -- Enterprises created in 2002 by non-EU nationals in France: finding it harder to survive -- Latina entrepreneurship and recent self-employment trends in the United States -- Improving access to credit for migrant enterprises.
Migrants contribute to the economic growth of their host countries in many ways, bringing new skills and competencies with them and helping to reduce labour shortages. An aspect that has received only limited attention up to now is migrants' contribution to entrepreneurial activity and employment creation in their host countries. In OECD countries, entrepreneurship is slightly higher among immigrants than natives and the total number of persons employed in migrant businesses is substantial, although the survival rate of these businesses is often lower than that of their native counterparts. Migrant entrepreneurship has gone beyond traditional ethnic businesses, into a wide range of sectors and innovative areas. Greater knowledge of migrant entrepreneurship is essential if policy makers are to better support migrant enterprises and their role in economic growth and job creation. In addition, increasing awareness of the positive role that migrants can play as entrepreneurs could contribute to a more balanced public debate on immigration. Taking a cross-country perspective, this publication sheds light on these issues and more, discussing policy options to foster the development and success of migrant businesses. It is a compilation of papers presented at a June 2010 conference organised by the OECD Secretariat, with the financial support of the Swedish and Turkish authorities, and the Dutch-Turkish Businessmen Association (HOTIAD).